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  HOW TO INSTALL DeleGate                  (Yutaka Sato, Aug18-2003)
1. Getting the latest source codes of DeleGate

  Download the latest version DeleGate/X.Y.Z in the file:

    - DeleGate in development status is placed at "alpha/" directory:
    - Alternative download sites are shown at:
    - Read "README" and the following page about changes in each version:

2. Creating an executable of DeleGate

  Expand, extract and and make as follows:

    % gzip -d < delegateX.Y.Z.tar.gz | tar xfv -
    % cd delegateX.Y.Z
    % make

  Your E-mail address will be asked at the beginning of the make.
  After the make finished, the executable is left as "src/delegated"

3. Setting up the run-time files of DeleGate (OPTIONAL)

  Install optional subsidiary components if necessary.
  You can postpone this until you encounter the necessity.

  (All of run-time files of DeleGate are placed under the directory referred 
  as "DGROOT".  The default location of DGROOT is $HOME/delegate/ for
  normal users on Unix, while it is "\Program Files\DeleGate" on MS-Windows.
  The DGROOT directory is created automatically if it does not exist.)

    - DGROOT/lib/{sslway, server.pem, ...} -- to enable SSL encoding/decoding
    - DGROOT/lib/gzip -- to enable gzip encoding/decoding on HTTP
    - DGROOT/lib/lib*.so.* -- to enable chroot
    - DGROOT/subin/{dgpam, dgchroot, dgbind} -- to achieve privileged operation
                           by DeleGate of normal users <subin/README_SUBIN>

4. Setting up a DeleGate server

  Start the executable with necessary parameters.
  For example to use DeleGate as a HTTP proxy server in debugging mode:

    % delegated -v -P8080 SERVER=http

    - Read the short tutorial "doc/tutor-en.htm" first.
    - Read the "doc/Manual.htm" for details.
    - Examples (protocol specific examples):
    - Platform specific issues (how to start as a daemon or a service):

5. Asking your questions

  To share efforts of questions and answers among users and the author,
  your question is expected to be sent to the open forum.

  - in English:

  - in Japanese:
